About Our Christian Drug Rehab

Celebrate Hope guides clients into a meaningful, restorative relationship with Jesus Christ. As a faith-based rehab center, we aim to facilitate your journey to recovery. We walk beside you and your family as you leave your old life behind—including the guilt, shame, hurt, and secrets of the past. Our treatment professionals help you to find an amazing life in sobriety. One filled with hope and purpose.

The Scripture of Addiction Recovery at Celebrate Hope

As a Christian drug rehab and alcohol treatment center, our mission abides by two key pieces of scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Romans 12:2.

These passages convey our perspective on healing from addiction. First, if you have accepted Jesus Christ into your life, you become a new creation made in His image. The old life is gone, and a new life has begun. Second, recovery and salvation require us to break from the behavior and customs of this world. God can transform you by changing the way you think; only then will you know His will for you. At Celebrate Hope, our mission is nothing less than the very miracles God has in store for our clients!

What Makes Our Christian Rehab Unique

We take a holistic and all-inclusive approach to recovery. With this, we incorporate individual and group therapy sessions, one-on-one Christian counseling sessions, faith-based fellowship and recreational activities, Bible studies, worship services, life skills workshops, and family support. While other drug and alcohol treatment centers focus on the physical ailments that accompany addiction, we believe that the emotional, mental, and spiritual damage caused by substance abuse must be addressed. For that reason, we offer a faith-based approach to recovery that promotes lifelong sobriety and closeness with Christ.

Licensed & Accredited

Celebrate Hope is licensed by the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS).

Record ID Expiration Date
300149BP 5/31/2025
Contact Our Accredited Christian Rehab Center

Reach out to recover your relationship with God.