Addiction recovery teaches people how to deal effectively with life on life’s terms. Even though a person has stopped drinking or drugging, they are still going to struggle with the demands and challenges of life. Since stress is one of the leading causes of relapse, it’s prudent to discuss some ways to keep it at bay. There are many things you can do to make navigating life in recovery less challenging.
Most people, it’s fair to say, lack specific life skills when they get to addiction treatment. Alcohol and substance use disorders take precedent over practically all else. It takes an enormous amount of effort to ensure one has their drink or drug of choice, day in and day out. Few people can manage other important tasks when in the grips of the disease. This is especially true for those who began using at a young age.
Neglecting nutrition, school, work, and bills go hand in hand with mental illness. Being responsible and accountable is not often said about those living with a use disorder. Neglecting aspects of one’s life becomes a vicious cycle. Failing to accomplish everyday tasks causes stress in a person’s life; addicts and alcoholics will use drugs and alcohol to cope with that stress.
In recovery, people learn that mitigating stress is vital. Men and women are taught that fostering life skills is a must, in order to maintain balance. Addiction thrives in extremes; if life becomes chaotic, the risk of relapse increases significantly. To avoid doing things that can jeopardize progress, men and women need to discover ways to keep their lives in order.
Life Skills for Addiction Recovery
There are several types of life skills, such as managing finances and living within your means. Other fundamental skills in life include practicing self-care (i.e., eating right and exercising), time management, and keeping an organized living space. Naturally, we could dedicate separate posts to each of the above skill sets. Today’s post will focus on the need for emphasizing the importance of organization.
Early recovery is a fragile time for individuals for several reasons. Sobriety is not a natural state for people with a history of addiction, nor is doing something every day to prevent a return to drugs and alcohol. Years and years of substance use changes how people think and process information. Such men and women have trouble dealing with anything that is outside their control. As such, it is vital to do things that establish and support equilibrium.
Organization is central to preventing outside variables from causing stress. Keeping a tidy household is critical since we spend most of our time in the place we reside. Knowing where essential belongings are will help you avoid getting upset when something can’t be found.
Doing laundry each week will ensure you have clean clothes for work and social engagements. Dedicating small chunks of time throughout the week to domestic chores will help you stay organized and prepared for whatever comes up. Moreover, having a clean living space can also improve how you feel.
Keeping an orderly domicile is a skill that dovetails nicely with financial management. Many people are inclined to let their mail pile up; they sometimes open envelopes weeks after receipt. Making a point of sorting your mail will contribute to tidiness and also help you stay on top of your bills. When bills are paid on time, it alleviates stress.
Honing your life skills takes practice, but it’s doable for anyone clean and sober. You might try dedicating certain days of the week for a particular task (i.e., dusting on Monday, laundry on Wednesday, and bills on Friday). It will make things more manageable.
Learning Life Skills in Christian Rehab
At Celebrate Hope, we believe that clients who adopt new routines are less likely to fall back on old behaviors. We work with clients to hone their life skills. Please contact us today to learn how our Christian drug and alcohol rehab center can help you overcome the emotional and physical bondage of addiction.